Benefits of Dermaplaning.

Theres so many different skin procedures out there that we are told do all these amazing things, but do we really know the facts and benefits or are we just following a trend that gone viral?
Dermaplaning is a procedure that you can do that removes the top layer of your skin, it aims to help remove fine wrinkles and known to help with deep acne scarring helps give you the appearance of smooth skin. It’s the use of a surgical blade or eyebrow shaver if doing at home that you glide across your sink removing that top layer like exfoliating but is also removes the look of blemishes, peach fuzz due to the blade which helps your makeup layover your skin better and other skin imperfection that can make it look duller.
The way it works scientifically is it gently takes away all the dead skin cells to reveal that glowing undamaged new layer of skin that underneath by doing this frequently it makes sure that the damages skin from things like the outside elements are taken away and that healthier and brighter skin is always seen you just have to make sure you look after it by applying SPF and your normal skin routine that works for you.
The biggest benefits the this treatment are as said before getting rid of that first layer of dead skin cells, all that peach fuzz coming off which makes skin look smooth but also helps makeup lay over your skin, it’s a quick and easy all in one skin treatment and uses no harmful chemicals like other skin treatments can which also means it’s so for everyone even lactating and pregnant woman that are sometimes not allowed to do certain beauty treatments.
Written By Jorja Keeton, Photos from unsplash.