Have you ever wondered if your jewellery actually suited you?

This has been a debate for too long but we’re here to help you finally figure out what would look the best, while taking your personal style into consideration.

There are just a few steps into finding your true jewellery colour, so sit tightly, grab a snack and enjoy.

Finding out if you have a cool or warm undertone is very important as the first step. You can do this by eye, seeing if your skin is considered more ashy/cool or orange/warm. If this feels difficult to you, which it was for me, then the veins in your wrist are the biggest tell-tail. You may have a cool undertone if you have blue veins or even if you usually burn easily. On the contrary, people with green veins have olive or darker skin, which are both considered warm.


Did you know that you can match your hair and eyes with your undertone to look more stylish and classy?

If you have brown eyes and hair then gold would look the best on you because of the matching in the warm tones. However green hair and light eyes look much better with silver jewellery as your skin has a cool undertone which goes with the light blue eyes.

Disclaimer! These are just small tips that could help you however personal styles and interests are important to have too. Who cares if you have brown hair and brown eyes but still wear silver jewellery, I certainly do, this was just a little bit of fun.

By Leah Camilleri

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